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Business Talk 24-7

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Why Receiverships?

Receiverships offer an alternative process for the successful resolution of a troubled asset. As a neutral, third-party fiduciary, a receiver can ensure a distressed property is protected and preserved.  Additionally, a receiver can move swiftly in order to maintain the value of the property. Special guests Andrew J. Bolnick and Graham H. Stieglitz discuss the process for how a receiver is appointed, the role of the receiver and the key elements and benefits of a receivership.

Andrew is founder and president of Andrew Bolnick & Associates and has nearly 30 years of experience as a professional receiver and trustee over a wide variety of large commercial properties and businesses throughout the country.  His services include property management, operation of homeowner associations, completion of construction, working with local, county and state governments and regulatory agencies, taxing districts and all interested parties and developing and implementing marketing and sales programs.  E-Mail Andrew Bolnick.

Graham is a creditors’ rights and bankruptcy partner at Burr & Forman LLP and is resident in the Atlanta office. Graham assists clients with commercial reorganizations and workouts as well as transactional and litigation issues involving commercial transactions, receiverships, real estate and other business-related matters.  E-Mail Graham Stieglitz.